Tuesday, October 20, 2009

For all those stay at home moms!!!

Hello to everyone reading a blog written by an 8 year now stay at home mom with an 8 year old in 2nd grade and a 4 year old in pre-k. My purpose for blogging is to reach out to all those mom's who are waiting for their husbands to get on their "honey-do-list". Either wait for hubbie OR pay lots of dough out of pocket (unless you have friendly connections).
My honey-do-list in my home has become the "honey I'm doing it list". And over the years with help from good ole' u tube and home depot, I've done tons and tons of simple home improvements. It's been fun and rewarding plus my kids get a kick watching mom switch out old light switches for new ones with dimmers, paint walls, install faucets, run speaker wire under and through the attic, texture ceilings; etc. So, when you are sick and tired of looking at all that needs to be done, let's get started! You can do it! All the tasks I've done have all come with some kind of instructions. So, my take is if there are instructions, anyone should be able to do it! But the key is to follow the instructions carefully and ask questions if you are unsure.
My husband works two jobs. Weekdays 40 hours and then weekends whatever he can get done. Ironically, he owns a small constructions company who works on weekends so he cannot possibly get to my things, especially those I need now and I know I can do. Yes, he's pretty pissed off at times because he wants to take the credit but he's simply too busy working so I can stay home and raise our two awesome kids! He's in a catch 22. I don't brag about what I do but I'm just glad to have things done. My home feels better and then I'm better mom because of it!
So this morning after walking my kid to school, I'm out tending to our pool. Yes, I'm our swimming pool gal too! I keep the pumps working and the pool maintained! Now, I have a stack of papers I've neglected to file this year to go through and either file or destroy. This will take a few hours.
You know, my husband wonders what I do all day. I'm tempted to keep a time log one of these days as know one knows what it's like to be a stay at home mom until you are one! It's tough, rewarding and tiring. I have no housekeeper, landscaper, pool manager guy and no accountant to manage my tight budget! I do it all!
Anyway, gotta go and do my paperwork! UGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I found you, now I will be a loyall follower and will probably learn a thing or two!
